  Picture cortsey of www.rabbitair.com/

Poor Air Problems 
To poor health.

A house has to appeal to the five senses. So even the smell inside the house should be pleasing. Poor air quality is detrimental to the well being of the people living in it and does not reflect good home ownership to anyone visiting your home.
No matter what style preferences you opt to for your decor and regardless on how well staged your home is: when there is a significant odor in a house, it becomes a problem that needs to be corrected otherwise your health may suffer too.

What good is a clean air outside a home if the inside air quality is unattractive and detrimental to you health?

In personal image etiquette, having a bad breath, or wearing a strong cologne, is called: Image FAUX PAS, which means: Image breaker. The same holds true with a house.

Are your a smoker? Do you  have pets? Does the house have mildew problems or dampness in the basement? Do you use a lot of spices?,...or do you  burn incense? Are your carpets old, and can't afford to change them? Are the carpets new and they smell of chemical?

Whatever the issues may be it is important to correct the home indoor air quality.

Normally fixing a air problem by  burning candles or baking cookies does not work.

Personally, I believe in eliminating sources, rather than camouflaging or diluting them. Diluting techniques fail and the odor still persists. In addition, a strong odor in a house is not only offensive to your guests but it may be toxic for your family and you.
At a dinner party, no one likes to walk in a house that smells and looks like a sanctuary, yet, some people before a gathering try to camouflage odors, by burning  candles in every room.



House plants can act as air purifiers also? In recent years, scientists at NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) have discovered that there are various houseplants that keep our household air clean and pure and balance indoor humidity. Not only do these plants absorb pollutants, they also scrub harmful gases out of the air and help fight pollution.
Some of these plants are:
Spider Plant.
Boston Fern
English ivy
Areca Palm
Golden Photos
Aloa Vera
Chinese Evergreen
Peace Lili, Marginata and Snake Plant are the best.

Today, there are lots of air cleaning units that work miracles and kill many levels of contaminants and they range from fairly inexpensive models to very sophisticated "whole house" system ones. Air cleaners vary in terms of quality, some being much more effective at removing particles than others.
Look for those that remove 99% bacteria and that contain HEPA.

Here I have listed two sites. One that offers reviews:

and this: www.rabbitair.com  offering very sleek lines and contemporary designs that go with any decor. 

Personally, I believe in eliminating sources, rather than camouflaging or diluting them. Diluting techniques fail to address the core issue of the problem and the odor will still persists. In addition, a strong odor in a house is not only offensive to our guests but it may be  toxic for our family too.

In conclusion, even a great home in the most lavishing decor, is nothing unless it is free from pollutants that harm our health.
 So let's pay attention to the quality of air we all breathe and lets' live healthier lives

Enjoy your home and be healthy.


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